Serenity Spa Wellness Center
Licensed Massage Therapist in Iowa and Wisconsin (southwest - Fennimore area) specializing : Therapeutic, Thai, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Abdominal Detox Chi, Lymphatic, Fibromyalgia, Pre-Natal, Hot Stones, Bamboo, Gua Sha, & Shiatsu.
Services Available and a Description of Service

Listed below are services available at Serenity Spa.  All 45 minute plus massages 

include :

(30 minute massages do not include hot stones).


Intersegmental Traction Table - to help elongate the spine and relax the Erector Spinae Muscles.

Hot stones are placed on a towel along the spine to promote muscle relaxation plus a weighted, heating pad.

Aromatherapy - one's choice of an essential oil to be used with the gel during the massage.

Warm Towels - used throughout the service.

Steamy Washcloths - used to warm the feet before the massage.

MASSAGE : consist of : Feet, Calves, Hamstrings, Lower, Mid & Upper Back, Arms, Trapezius, Neck, Face & Scalp.  If quads and lower legs are in need, one must request so time is allotted.

One Hour True Time - Hands on of Massage Therapy.     An extra 15 minutes is added on for the following : Consultation, traction table, and client getting prepped before and after the massage.  So and hour service is really 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Tibetan Cymbals (for Chakra influence to promote healing) is used to complete the massage. 

Complimentary Bottled Water and a Chocolate Truffle is offered at the end of the service, plus one's choice of Chai Tea, Green Tea, or Peach Detox Tea.



The most common massage is known as :  Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage - It focuses on muscle relaxation, energizes the body, an to improve overall health.  Effleurage and Petrissage flow of movements and Tapotement are part of a Swedish Massage.  I offer time slots from 30 minutes up to 90 minutes for Swedish Massage.  



Types of Services


Abdominal Detox Chi - A flow of circles and light pressure applied to one's stomach.  This helps with IBS.  This is a technique used to bring harmony to the gut system.


Acupressure Massage - A deeper massage and addressing of Acupressure Points throughout the massage.


Bamboo Massage - Use of warm BAMBOO sticks to provide a nice pressure of massage therapy.  It promotes relaxation and brings comfort to sore muscles.


Body Treatments, Wraps - A warm, body scrub application on the back and back of legs with massage techniques as well.  Warm towels and moist towels are used.


Cold Stones - Use of smooth stones with massage.  Stones are used with massage to aid in reduction of swelling in tissue.  It increases circulation, decreases menstrual pain, helps to relieve migraines, pain, lowers high blood pressure and boosts energy. 


Cryotherapy Thermo Wands/Globes - Use of Cryotherapy (cold) Facial Wands on the facial tissue and neck.  This is a 30 minute service of scalp, face, trapezius and neck massage.


Deep Tissue Massage - Use of firm pressure and massage deep layers of muscle and fascia. Pranayama breathing is used to help the body to relax and de-stress while pressure is being applied.  This is beneficial in releasing chronic muscle tension.  This is a 30 minute service.


Facial Massage -  Thirty minutes of pampering with a cleanser, facial scrub, tightening serum, moisturizer, moist towels and facial massage. Neck and trap massage accompanies the amazing facial work. 


Fibromyalgia Massage - Fibromyalgia : Chronic pain, fatigue, memory problems, and mood changes. Techniques are applied that encourages circulation in the muscles, which increases the flow of nutrients and eliminates waste.


Geriatric Massage - a lighter massage to help ease the discomforts of ailments.


Hot Stone Massage - An application of using heated, round stones from 2 to 3 plus inches during the massage.  One or two stones are used while an area of the body is being massaged.  It is very soothing to the muscles and body tissue and helps the body to relax and de-stress.


Lomilomi Massage - is a Polynesian method of kneading massage, but with the overtones of the indigenous religious beliefs. A combination of massage techniques, nut oils,and sometimes elements of prayer, breathing and dance to restore energy and soothe the body.  It is based on the rhythm and flow of the ocean.  It is a deeply relaxing and unique treatment.  A flow of massage travels from one side of the body starting at the foot all the way up to the neck and back.


Lymphatic Massage - is a GENTLE flow technique used to move the waste fluids away from the lymph swollen area.


Oncology Massage - is a gentle Swedish massage to safely work around cancer areas.


Prenatal - Massage specially designed to help pregnant women dealing with pregnancy related issues with discomfort, swelling, stress and back pain.


Reiki Energy - The spiritual healing art of REIKI works by channeling positive energy into your body, with Reiki Masters and Practitioners.  One typically places hands on or above the affected areas of the body that needs a boost, offering this energy and one's body takes this energy where it is most needed.  It helps with Chakra balancing of one's energy fields.


Shiatsu - is a form of Japanese bodywork based on ideas of traditional Chinese medicine.  It derives from a Japanese massage modality called, ANMA.  Massage strokes are kneading or effleurage are part of Shiatsu.  Pressure techniques over Acupoints often are done using thumbs or palms.


Spa Massage - A 15 minute Jet Spa Foot Bath, 45 minute Massage, 15 minute facial massage and 15 minutes Infrared Quartz Bio-Mat.  This is a 90 minute Spa service.


Stress Relief Massage - A 15 minute Jet Spa Foot Bath and an Hour Swedish Massage.  


Synergy Stone Massage - A 30 minute massage of the back and back of legs by applying a Synergy Stone and Hot Stones.   This amazing technique of therapeutic massage with warm applications of stones makes it a very soothing and relaxing massage.


Thai Massage - or Thai Yoga (Trigger Point Therapy Applications too) is an ancient healing system  combining Acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic Principles (Oils, music, and body techniques).   This technique employs stretching, muscle compression, and rocking to increase flexibility and relieve tension.  Clients are normally clothed and a massage can be done as well in addition to this hour service.


TMJ Disorder Treatment - Myofascial trigger point therapy with focus on the Temporomandibular Joint, face, neck and ear area to help alleviate pain and headaches associated with the muscular disorder - TMJ. This also involves a Sensory Integrated Therapy technique to help de-sensitize facial tissue.  A tissue massage which consists of having the internal area of the mouth tissue manipulated.  The LMT wears gloves to provide this service.  It helps to relax the mouth tissue, jaw, and gum areas.  This is a 30 minute procedure.



Holistic Therapies & Hatha Yoga


Access Bars Consciousness - A 32 point system involving head and helping one to access their thought process and to bring peace and harmony to the body.  This is a 30 minute holistic therapy.


Cupping - Is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which an LMT places synthetic or plastic cups on one's skin to create "suction."  It brings stagnate blood to the surface.  Cups are in place for short periods of time, the hue of the skin changes in color from a pale pink to a dark brownish circle.  Cupping helps to relieve muscle pain, decrease inflammation, increases blood flow, and promotes relaxation to one's body. 

Medi-Cupping, is a Vacuum Seal Cupping technique by dragging the tissue or placing in a stationary position for a period of minutes.  This is a more advanced system than regular Cupping.


Gua Sha - a tool made from buffalo horn or a hard stone.  It is used to release muscle tension and break down scar tissue and promotes healing quicker. A scrapping technique is used in a direction on one's skin.  Redness does form and sometimes and appearance of "bruising."


Hatha Yoga - Holding of Yoga poses to improve balance, increase strength in one's core and muscle tissue.  Pranayama breathing, meditation, weights, core training, and aromatherapy is part of each hour.  Classes are an hour in length, and on Tuesday & Thursday.  Message or call for times because depending on the season - it changes.


Infrared Quartz Bio-Mat :  The client lays on a warm, Infrared Quartz Bio-Mat made of quartz stones.  This can be used with a massage at $25 more or done separately for 30 minutes on an Infinity Grounding Chair in a private room at $45.


Ionic Foot Detox - A client places feet into a tub of water.  The Ionic Foot Detox machine works by pulling the toxins out of one's body through one's feet by using ions.  Ions are atoms that have an electrical charge.  The machine creates a flow of negative and positive ions through the body, which helps to remove toxins and impurities from the cells.  Benefits some notice energy boost, reduced acne, and better looking skin.  One may find less pain in joints, better sleep, less anxiety and restlessness.  This is a 30 minute treatment.


Sensory Brushing Therapy Technique - used in helping to de-stress the Fascia.  This technique focuses on the arms, back of the legs and the back.  Surgical brushes are used for this procedure.  This is a 30 minute therapy section.


These are the amazing services

provided to clients

at our beautiful Serenity Spa.  

Message me today to book on here at the page or at : or

608-822-4438.  Bookings for 3 pm or later are the fastest to fill.  Those can book 4-6 weeks out.  Same day service is highly unlikely because one must have an appointment, there is no walk in service. 

Thank you, Serenity Spa, Darlene Carl, Owner, LMT, CYT, RMP, CMMF, CLA, CPLC, B.A. PSYCH/ED

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 608-822-4438
685 Lincoln Ave., Fennimore, WI 53809-0000
© Copyright 2024 Serenity Spa Wellness Center. All rights reserved.